January To-Do — Apple a Day Financial

January To-Do

Feeling like this is the month to get things done? Is time slipping by too fast already? Well, let’s get to it!

  • Tackle that mountain of paper! Sort your documents into file folders: Banking, Insurance, Taxes, Investments, Housing, Guarantees/Warranties/big item receipts, Credit card statments/bills, etc.
  • Renew your dog licence (if applicable)
  • Make sure your resume is up-to-date (not just for job searches, may be necessary for a promotion, board member position, etc.)
  • How’s the car running? Need an oil change? Brakes fixed? Tires rotated?
  • Thank you cards from Christmas
  • Check your property assessment that came this month (if you own) – is it accurate? Go online and check your street’s houses
  • Heading to the gym? Try and go in off-peak times to avoid everyone else trying to work off the holiday treats
  • Make up a quick meal plan – things you can make and eat within 20 min. One weekend, make a lasagna and chili and store individual portions for lunch or a quick dinner.
  • Clean out the closet. Ok, you’ve had it for a year and didn’t wear it to that wedding, office function or holiday party, time to say goodbye
  • Get your finances in order – book an appointment with your advisor to review your insurance, mortgage and RRSPs or other investments

Feburary To-Do

Give yourself a kick!