March To-Do — Apple a Day Financial

March To-Do

It may actually be time to start doing taxes…

  • Check out Quicktax online if you’re doing your own taxes. Look for a link from your online bank to save up to 20%. You can do your taxes for about $14 vs. $40 with a tax preparer.
  • Wished you’d contributed more to your RRSP or started a TFSA? Start now with monthly contributions! $100/month is a low and modest start (and remember, with a Tax Free Savings Account, you can withdraw the money when you need it with no tax implications).
  • Spring cleaning! Take a weekend to go through all your papers, drawers, clothes, etc. Donate or swap your unused items.
  • March break! Schools have a two-week break this year from March 6-March 22 so be aware of extra kids running around your neighbourhood.
  • Take the time to stop and smell the flowers. :)
  • As always, email me if you have questions about anything financial or insurance!

April To-Do

Feburary To-Do