I'm getting married! — Apple a Day Financial

I'm getting married!

This wasn't really a post to brag. But now I really understand what brides-to-be are talking about when they say weddings cost a lot! So I thought I'd write a little about what I've learned in the past couple weeks (I'm a quick study!).

How much does getting married cost?

It doesn't cost much! Actual costs in BC are pretty much your marriage license, marriage commissionaire (and, later, a marriage certificate). You're looking at about $300. See the official gov't details here. And read how one bride got married for $239.

Ok, I get it. But how much does a wedding cost?

Ah, well, that's where it starts pulling money out of your pocket! There are websites galore that describe how to plan (and pay for) a wedding. Let's ask some questions, though:

Most of the married folks I know tell me to "ELOPE!" Of course, they can say that since they've already had their big day. But it's not such a bad idea once you start adding it up...even an itsy bitsy private ceremony with pared down costs and a lot of inventive planning and ideas can run $5,000 - $6,000.

From what I can tell, the best advice seems to be: Get married once. If you thought a wedding ate up cash, divorce can be even more expensive. Ensure you have a solid relationship so that this wedding will be your last.

No matter what you choose, I'm sure your wedding (and mine!) will be lovely. Just make sure to take photos to remember your day! (I'm told the photographer is the one thing not to skimp on).

The money details of our wonderful wedding

How do you value your time and money?