And now it's baby time... — Apple a Day Financial

And now it's baby time...

Not ones to waste time, my husband and I followed our wedding with an announcement of the pending arrival of our Ginger Bean: Due late January, 2013. My posts, as you can imagine, will contain a lot more personal data as it relates to anything baby!

What to wear?

I'd heard it was hard finding maternity clothes in Victoria, but I didn't have too much trouble.

My challenge was business (not business casual!) office wear. I received some pants and tops from friends/acquaintances (mostly casual wear). Bras have been the biggest challenge but Mothering Touch helped with that when I kept outgrowing the new bras I was buying on sale from The Bay, etc. (in progressively bigger sizes!). It's helpful to talk to people who can give you a good idea of just how big you'll get!

What to do when you can't drink and too big to do regular activities?

First: what not to do. Backpacking the Cape Scott Trail at 4.5 months pregnant was not a good idea for my bladder, back or feet. It was really difficult and I ended up seeing the Osteopath for an upper back adjustment as it was very out of line. Also difficult was a business trip to Vancouver followed by a drive to Vernon; too much time sitting in the car meant annoying pain and lots of stops. That being said, try being as active as you were before to prevent getting ginormous.

Better activities include walking, pre-natal yoga, aquafit, pregnancy Happy Hour and going to the Vancouver Island  Baby Fair (ended 2017).

How to get there?

I am now, sadly, a slave to the car. I tried riding my bicycles but the Cruiser is too heavy (at the first sign of an incline I'm huffing and puffing) and the Commuter was too hard to ride with the belly after 4 months. I tried walking to the dentist but I don't walk as fast and end up being late (also, huffing and puffing). I'm guessing roller blading or skateboarding would present their own problems. The bus is a good alternative for routes that are reliable and direct.

But! I'm still exercising by swimming (500m twice/week), taking evening strolls and going on leisurely neighbourhood bike rides. I cut ultimate frisbee out of the roster last month.

What to buy?

I feel like we don't need to buy anything until we really need it (hence last minute runs for maternity pants because nothing fits for work Monday morning!).  All you really need pre-baby is a car seat (if giving birth at the hospital) and some diapers, right? Everything else you can get as you go along.

Now, I heard that you get real busy when there's a tiny crier demanding attention 24 hours a day. So we've done a bit of research on things like cribs and mattresses (we're thinking of spending 2/3 of the budget on the mattress instead of the crib), diapers (cloth) and time off work (I'm self-employed and hubby's a manager so it'll take some juggling). We've got baby names picked out (including middle names!) and are debating a nursery colour. In reality, we'll probably have things set up for end of November.

I have a wonderful network of moms in Victoria who are letting me in on secrets (like why my Fluevog boots won't zip up my calves anymore) and are a HUGE resource for info on strollers, diapers, car seats, how to survive sleepless nights, etc.

Husband did buy one thing. He drives a mini (not a practical baby car, we're looking at family cars) and bought this sleeper.

Au Revoir, Pomme-Pomme

The money details of our wonderful wedding